
Introductory Class - Todos Together (3ms-5yrs) Bilingual Family Music Class

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Celebrate the diversity of languages and cultures by incorporating bilingual elements into our repertoire of song activities, exposing children birth-age 5, to a rich linguistic and musical experience. Works well for families with multiple children, friend groups to come together to the same class. 

Please Note: By registering via our website checkout for classes at Alabanza Music, you agree to adhere to our terms and Class Policies. Kindly review our Class Policies.

Maximum Purchase:
2 units
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Product Overview



We hope that you enjoy your first visit and decide to register your child for classes. Payment of tuition and required materials is expected upon registration.

There is a CD and digital link in the take-home materials to help you and your child continue to enjoy the music-making throughout the week until the next class. Home and family are key to any child's lifelong love of music and music-making.

Listening to the music and doing activities every day ensures that your child will get the most from the weekly class.  Research has shown that the brain will be particularly alert when exposed to familiar music!

Keep in mind that you are welcome to visit once per Semester.  Should you decide to enrol, the first class visit will be rolled into the normal tuition.​ We'll simply update your existing order with your new class.

We look forward to seeing you!

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