 Singing soothes baby way more than speaking!

Singing soothes baby way more than speaking!

Lisa Darmanie, Founder/Director Alabanza Music on 27th Aug 2019

Forget that excuse that my voice isn't all that great. You don't need to do some vocal warm-ups to be the best singer in the world to your baby and bring calm to baby's world!While we know that singin … read more
 Children raised bilingually are more adept at learning.

Children raised bilingually are more adept at learning.

Lisa Darmanie, Founder/Director Alabanza Music on 22nd Aug 2019

So baby has been babbling and you're so excited about what baby's first words will be. The furthest thing from your mind might be introducing a second language but did you know that bilingualism from … read more
 Music helps synchronise our bodies and our brains.

Music helps synchronise our bodies and our brains.

Lisa Darmanie, Founder/Director Alabanza Music on 13th Jun 2019

According groundbreaking research from Greater Good Science Center - UC Berkeley, “performing music-through singing, drumming and dancing- all resulted in participants having higher pain thresholds (a … read more