
Music helps synchronise our bodies and our brains.

Posted by Lisa Darmanie, Founder/Director Alabanza Music on 12th Jun 2019

 Music helps synchronise our bodies and our brains.

According groundbreaking research from Greater Good Science Center - UC Berkeley, “performing music-through singing, drumming and dancing- all resulted in participants having higher pain thresholds (a proxy measure for increased endorphin release in the brain) in comparison to listening to music alone.” .

Hey! that means that those involved in Group music making together could take pressure to "bus’ pipe" as we say in our local Trini parlance, a little bit more than the average person! That’s great news!!

The researchers also found that “musical reactivity is casually related to.. basic social motivations” In other words, this can contribute to successful group living.

Now how exactly does music do this? “Some researchers believe it’s the rhythm in music that helps us to sync up our brains and coordinate our body movements with others.” .

So when we drum together in class, it’s so much more than just keeping a steady beat, understanding rhythm or plain ole fun. We’re helping your child to become more sociable!

Want to get involved in group music making? Give us a call 709-9588 or Find a class to get started today!

Read more on this amazing research here: