
Babies who participate in music class with parents smile more!

Posted by Lisa Darmanie, Founder/Director Alabanza Music on 17th Sep 2019

 Babies who participate in music class with parents smile more!

Smile! You’re not exactly on candid camera but you will see many more smiles from your baby!

According to researchers at Mc Master University, babies’ brains show a high level of neuroplasticity when it comes processing and understanding structures in music but specifically when they’re interacting with their parents through music.

This study took place over a period of six months with weekly music instruction. One group of children interacted with parents doing a variety of music activities while another group played with toys with music playing in the background.

“Babies who participated in the interactive music classes with their parents showed earlier sensitivity to pitch structure in music” and “infants from the interactive music classes showed larger/earlier brain responses to musical tones”

Babies not only showed musical prowess but their communication skills improved as well!

“There are many ways that parents can connect with their babies,” says study coordinator Andrea Unrau. “The great thing about music is, everyone loves it and everyone can learn simple interactive musical games together.”

Oh we just love seeing our babies grow with the support of their parents through the awesome wonder of music!