
A Pintar Spanish Class

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A Pintar - Spanish Class

Description: This is a musical and creative movement introduction to Spanish language. These sessions introduce children to the basic components of Spanish through music, drawing, colouring, sight words, and creative movement. See excerpts from the text here.

Musical & Developmental Goals: Children learn key phrases in their new language through a variety of musical activities including songs and chants and even get to play some musical instruments. This encourages increasing levels of active participation and understanding over time. Children will become familiar with more complex aspects of the language by engaging in tactile and movement-based games and role-play to create real life situations using vocabulary. Children build their confidence in communication through repetition in rap/singing and have a greater sense of accomplishment. 

What makes our Spanish class different? Spanish class is high energy and very interactive when taught by Spanish speaking musical instructors. We're creative people accustomed to the performing arts and can easily compose, arrange, adapt music and include dance, drama, art to suit the learning styles of the students according to their age and experience. We use printed material in class but the reading and writing activities are mostly left for home-work. The e-learning section our website guides you with your at home activities.

Materials: A Pintar Book, in class various percussion instruments