From baby-5yrs
Todos Together -TocoPanyol®
Want to give your child an exceptional advantage?
Get ready for a fun, musical language immersion experience with English, Spanish, French for you and your little one! These mixed-age classes are not just about the music—they’re a chance for your child to build language skills, make friends, and gain emotional intelligence in a supporting and family-friendly environment.
Imagine the excitement of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and their grown-ups all coming together to sing, dance, groove, bounce, wiggle and jiggle and play small percussion instruments, while acquiring new languages in a developmentally engaging and interactive way.
So we can learn music and more than one language at the same time?
Music and language learning complement each other perfectly, and when combined with movement, it becomes much easier to absorb and retain context, build vocabulary, and enhance key skills like comprehension and communication.
This unique curriculum is designed to help you and your child develop superpowers through immersion in both music and language.
You'll enjoy folk music, well-loved children’s songs, and fresh takes on traditional nursery rhymes. The music is genuine and reflects the rich diversity and culture of the Trinidad & Tobago, Caribbean, Latin America and beyond.
Why choose Alabanza Music for your child’s language and music journey?
With a neuromusical multilingual educator or highly trained bilingual musician leading the way, Alabanza Music makes learning a joyful experience.
Parents, this is where your child’s love for music and languages takes off as we help you build global citizens that stand out from the crowd!
¿Quieres darle a tu hijo una ventaja excepcional?
¡Prepárate para una divertida experiencia musical de inmersión lingüística con inglés, español y francés para ti y tu peque! Estas clases de edades mixtas no se tratan solo de música: son una oportunidad para que tu hijo desarrolle habilidades lingüísticas, haga amigos y fortalezca su inteligencia emocional en un ambiente acogedor y familiar.
Imagina la emoción de bebés, niños pequeños y preescolares, junto con sus adultos, uniéndose para cantar, bailar, moverse, saltar, balancearse, sacudirse y tocar pequeños instrumentos de percusión mientras aprenden nuevos idiomas de una manera divertida e interactiva.
¿Por qué elegir Alabanza Music para su hijo en música y lenguas?
Con una educadora neuromusical multilingüe o un músico bilingüe altamente capacitado liderando el camino, Alabanza Music convierte el aprendizaje en una experiencia alegre. ¡Padres, este es el lugar donde se fomenta la sensibilidad cultural de su hijo y despega su amor por la música y los idiomas!
Voulez-vous donner à votre enfant un avantage exceptionnel ?
Préparez-vous à une expérience musicale amusante et immersive en anglais, français et espagnol pour vous et votre petit ! Ces classes multi-âges ne se limitent pas à la musique : elles offrent une opportunité unique à votre enfant de développer ses compétences linguistiques, de se faire des amis et de renforcer son intelligence émotionnelle dans un environnement chaleureux et familial.
Imaginez l’enthousiasme des bébés, des tout-petits et des enfants d’âge préscolaire, accompagnés de leurs proches, se réunissant pour chanter, danser, bouger, sauter, se balancer, gigoter et jouer de petits instruments de percussion tout en apprenant de nouvelles langues de manière ludique et interactive.
Pourquoi choisir Alabanza Music pour le parcours musical et linguistique de votre enfant ?
Avec une éducatrice neuromusicale multilingue ou un musicien bilingue hautement qualifié pour guider le chemin, Alabanza Music transforme l’apprentissage en une expérience joyeuse. Parents, c’est ici que la sensibilité culturelle de votre enfant est cultivée et que son amour pour la musique et les langues décolle !

Testimonio En Español
A ella le gusta y yo estoy satisfecha porque me doy cuenta de que está aprendiendo los ritmos y los compases, y sabes que eso es algo que la gente suele dar por sentado, como que no siempre estás a tiempo, pero estaría muy feliz si ella pudiera desarrollar esa habilidad de mantener el ritmo constante.
La mamá de Aurelia
Témoignage En Français
Elle aime ça et je suis satisfaite car je me rends compte qu'elle apprend les rythmes et les temps, et tu sais, c'est quelque chose que les gens tiennent souvent pour acquis, comme ne pas toujours être à l'heure, mais je serais très heureuse si elle pouvait développer cette compétence de garder le rythme stable.
La maman d'Aurelia

Testimonio En Español
Fue bonito tener algo que hacer, un lugar al que ir fuera de casa, y fue bonito ver a otros niños y tener otras experiencias además de las que se viven en casa.
Fue una manera de vincularme con él y hacer algo juntos... de incorporar la música en el día a día con él.
La mamá de Azlan
Témoignage En Français
C'était agréable d'avoir quelque chose à faire, un endroit où aller en dehors de la maison, et c'était agréable de voir d'autres enfants et d'avoir d'autres expériences en plus de celles à la maison.
C'était un moyen de me lier avec lui et de faire quelque chose ensemble... d'incorporer la musique dans notre quotidien avec lui.
La maman d'Azlan
Introductory Pkg

What's Included
* Family Registration
($100 for New families)
Nil for Returning families
* TWO (2) Interactive, Fun Sessions ($250)
* ONE (1) Parent Orientation Session
* Music & Movement Experience with Multilanguage Exposure
* Obligation-free Session
* Preview Musikgarten® Resources
* Priority Booking
* Semester Upgrade Available
Class Duration
30-40 mins
San Fernando
Enquire within
Cancellation Policy
Introductory Pkg Bookings are non-refundable.
One reschedule per Semester is allowed (subject to availability) if:
1) Day-before notice is given by 5:00pm
2) Same-day notice for illness/emergencies only
Semester Stay

What's Included
* Five-month Semester
* Fun Multilingual Music & Movement
* Premium Family Kit
* Full Access to E-learning Resource*
* Personalised Progress Feedback
* Extra Learning Support via WhatsApp
* Bonus Content & Parent Ed
* Exclusive Member Discounts
* Flexible Payment Options
* Complimentary Vacation Session
What does a mixed-age group class look like?
It's like a big family 'vibes' session where everyone learns and grows together! Whether it’s siblings, cousins, friends, or anyone who likes the same time slot, everyone’s welcome. We keep it real and make sure the music and movement activities engage all ages and stages, so everybody feels at home, has fun, and inspired to learn along the way!
Some good ole' nursery rhymes from around the world which offer today's children moral values, communication, movement, interaction, repetition and an appreciation for diverse cultural customs.
Multilingual Songs & Rhymes
with traditional and folk repertoire from diverse cultures, namely our Caribbean and Latin American heritage
Movement & Dance
including finger plays, wiggling and tickling, body awareness, dancing with scarves, rocking and bouncing, circle songs.
Focused Listening
with listening excerpts, tonal and rythmic patterns to help shape aural skills and acquaint the child with the nuances of music
Instrument Exploration
after establishing the steady beat in numerous ways, in come the rhythm sticks, rattles, jingles, drums, barred instruments and more!
Calm and Quiet Time:
Listen to soothing music and engage in gentle movements, teaching relaxation techniques and self-awareness
Parent-Child Bonding:
Strengthen bonds through interactive play and shared musical activities.
Now hang on parents... it's normal for children to wander during this class, don't worry.. once they're in the environment they're absorbing it all!
Should my child be learning multiple languages so young?
Absolutely! More is better and earlier is better.
It's an amazing opportunity for your child’s brain development. Music strengthens learning by engaging multiple parts of the brain, like the auditory cortex (for hearing sounds), the motor areas (for movement), and the prefrontal cortex (for problem-solving and memory) all while having fun with songs and movement!
Enrolled families get digital access to the semester’s songs, featuring a compilation of English, Spanish, French, Trini English music and more and a small instrument packet.
P.S. Please ignore anyone who claims that bilingualism causes confusion. The research is clear: bilingual infants readily distinguish their two languages and show no evidence of confusion.
Is this class anything like a playgroup?
While there may be other activities for young kids, this mixed-age group multilingual music class is tailored to meet children where they're at.
Research proves that every child has musical potential and all children are able to learn and express themselves musically.
With a deep understanding of what's happening in those little brains with music and language, and with activities adapted for the different ages, we work alongside families to nurture the following areas of development:
- communication
- focused listening
- self-regulation
- motor skills
- social awareness
- parent-child bonding
- musical foundations
How can my family benefit?
This inclusive and play-based class celebrates the diversity of languages and cultures by incorporating bilingual elements, exposing children to a rich linguistic and musical experience and is intended to:
- Cultivate a love for music and languages from an early age
- Support language development towards multilingualism
- Foster cultural awareness and appreciation
- Enhance social, cognitive, and emotional development
- Strengthen the parent-child bond through shared musical experiences
In a nurturing and structured musical environment, social and leadership skills emerge. Children start to become aware of social norms for behaviour but the youngest are not expected to conform just yet!
Alas! Helping young children learn how to manoevre their bodies through guided movement, balance with calm, focused and quiet moments can improve their impulse control.

Keep the learning going at home
We encourage and support continued musical play and learning at home with families.
When you enroll for the Semester you'll have:
*Exclusive access to our e-learning resources.
*High quality digital recordings with fine children’s choirs, adult voices and outstanding instrumentalists
*Parent guide-songbook along with rhythm sticks / jingles / colorful scarf.
Sigue el aprendizaje en casa
Fomentamos y apoyamos el juego musical continuo y el aprendizaje en casa con las familias.
Cuando te inscribes para el semestre, tendrás:
*Acceso exclusivo a nuestros recursos de aprendizaje en línea.
*Grabaciones digitales de alta calidad con excelentes coros infantiles, voces adultas y destacados instrumentistas.
*Una guía para padres con cancionero, junto con palillos rítmicos / cascabeles / un pañuelo colorido.
Continuez l'apprentissage à la maison.
Nous encourageons et soutenons le jeu musical continu et l’apprentissage à la maison avec les familles.
Lorsque vous vous inscrivez pour le semestre, vous bénéficierez de :
*Un accès exclusif à nos ressources d’apprentissage en ligne.
*Des enregistrements numériques de haute qualité avec d’excellents chœurs d’enfants, des voix d’adultes et des instrumentistes exceptionnels.
*Un guide parental avec un livre de chansons, accompagné de bâtons rythmiques / de grelots / d’un foulard coloré.